t: 613.224.3863
e: lanchi.nguyen@inairenvironmental.ca
c: 613.447.0292
Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes
P.Eng., ing.
Lan Chi is the Senior Mechanical Engineer of the company, and
one of the founders of InAIR Environmental Ltd. Her business philosophy and guiding principle is to address
clients' concerns by providing them with expert and unbiased information and practical solutions, so the clients
can make informed decisions about their indoor environment.
For the last 18 years, she has helped clients, in both official languages, address indoor environmental quality
issues such as thermal comfort, indoor air quality, biological contaminents and drinking water quality.
Lan Chi holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering for L'Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal and a Masters of
Applied Science (Building Environment) from Concordia University.
t: 613.224.3863
e: don.weekes@inairenvironmental.ca
c: 613.858.0244
Donald M. Weekes
Don Weekes is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Safety Professional with over 33 years
of experience in dealing with the issues involving hazardous materials, including asbestos, lead paint,
and mould.
To our clients, he brings a wealth of expertise in the management of large interdisciplinary projects. He is actively
involved with a number of professional organizations, and he has edited on their behalf numerous documents related to indoor air quality and mould.
Don graduated from Ramapo College - New Jersey - with a Bachelor in Environmental Science and from New York University with a Master in Arts
(Occupational Safety & Health).