Company Profile
Our dedicated team of experts and professionals will work together to help you provide a comfortable and healthy indoor environment in your building.
Our services are based on in-depth knowledge and years of work experience. As your indoor environmental needs increase, you can rely on our staff to assist you
in finding solutions to these needs, and to advise you on the best course of action, no matter what the issues are.
Each indoor environment is unique in its own specific context, and so are the needs of our clients. We listen, understand and tailor specific and unbiased solutions
to best suit your needs in all confidentiality, without exception.
Clarity and Simplicity
All our interactions with clients, from written report to occupant risk communication, are based on our longstanding principles of clarity and simplicity. Our role
is to gather, manage and summarize all the pertinent technical information, while providing our clients with a clear picture of what needs to be done about the indoor environment.
Lan Chi Nguyen Weekes, P.Eng., ing.
Lan Chi is the Senior Mechanical Engineer of the company, and one of the founders of InAIR Environmental Ltd. Her business
philosophy and guiding principle is to address clients' concerns by providing them with expert and unbiased information and
practical solutions, so the clients can make the proper decisions about their indoor environment.
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Don Weekes, CIH, CSP
Don Weekes is a Certified Industrial Hygienist and Safety Professional with over 33 years of experience in dealing with the
issues involving hazardous materials, including asbestos, lead paint, and mould.
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